Thursday, December 20, 2007


My kids and I finished our Christmas shopping today. As I was watching all the bustling about it reminded me of how many people are just extremely busy. A while back I made it a rule that I would always leave "free-time" in my life. Something you probably will never hear me say is "I'm so busy". I don't think we can be open to God, growing, and enjoying the life he gave us if we never stop.

So in honor of rest today...two of my favorite things are coffee and journaling.


Low Fat Coffee Shake

1 cup skim milk

1 1/2 teaspoons sugar

1 TBS instant coffee

1 1/2 tablespoons nonfat powdered milk

Put all ingredients in a blender, cover, and blend until smooth and foamy. Serve in a tall glass over ice.

"Whatever coaxes us out of hiding, to write, record, and express, is a revolutionary act. It says that we believe our lives count: our lives do count." -SARK

Directed Journaling Ideas:

-write a list of special people in your life, what are some ways you can celebrate their presence in your life?
-what are you doing when you are most happy or content and time flies by?
-write about your mother's beauty, send her a letter.
-what are you jealous of?

Remember to REST during this "busy" time. The Savior has come, celebrate Him.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

turning thirty

Next month is my 30th birthday. The age thing isn't really getting to me. I've actually kind of looked forward to the thirties. Something about them always seemed so grown up to me. I think that is the part I'm struggling with...I don't really feel grown up. I'm married (6 years this Saturday) and have two children...I've graduated from college, worked a full-time job...yet I still don't feel grown up. I think maturity comes slower for some of us. As I look back over my life I have great memories. I've always had lots of fun, met great people, gone on adventures. I had a fun childhood. It was busy. A camp kids life is never dull. However, something still lacks. Until recently, I was still trying to search for it in activities and people. Well...I've spent the last 10 months in a new town. I don't know very many people and I'm not really involved. It has been a great time to process and listen to God. One huge observation I've made is that in the past I didn't devote enough time and energy to building character. There are areas that should have been given care in my teens and twenties that got ignored. I can't blame my upbringing or circumstances. I am fully accountable for what God has given me. Most of my difficulty comes back to living life without focus. If you don't know what the goal is or where you are going you don't get anywhere.

I think I've just begun to stop fighting against God and accept his role for me. You know, to be honest, I've been rebellious my entire life. Part of it is my personality, I tend to be a bit fiery and energetic. But mostly, it's a choice.

Lately, I've been pursuing God's desire for me as a wife and mother. It may be completely contrary to the world. I may have to overcome some stereotypes that I have in my mind. But I've come to this from God's word...

Before all else, I am:
(1) To be a helper, companion, and wife to my husband (this was the purpose of the very first woman... she was created because it was not good for man to be alone, see 1 Cor. 11:9)
(2) To be a mother (he built it into our very bodies!)
(3) To teach other women how to do these things (Titus 2:3-5)

So in my thirties...I want to be more focused. It is my goal to excel at those three things. I want to stand before God someday and hear Him say "well done". I want to know that I did not waste the time, talent, and treasures that He has entrusted to me. I want to bring him glory as his creation. I know where to start...I have no excuses... I must be diligent.

Saturday, December 1, 2007

"no paybacks"

I spend most weekend nights at my part-time job serving (at a restaurant). It is an interesting environment. I'm definitely "in the world but not of it". It has given me the opportunity this year to really grapple with what it means to be a Christ follower and really love people. I know I stand out there as different. Sometimes I take some heat for that. Especially when crude jokes don't make me laugh or I walk away. The comments like "prude" remind me of high school. People that can't handle someone being different than them so they resort to name-calling. I'm mature enough to rise above that now but what do I do with it? Do I smart off right back? Believe me, I'm really good at that. I wouldn't miss a beat. Sarcasm is in my genes. That's the easy road. The even easier road is to leave the environment. Find a new job where I don't have to deal with it, run away and hide in nice loving environments and only "love" my friends, those who love and understand me. The fact is, God calls us to much more than that. He calls us to be his hands and feet. How? I look to Christ, he gave his life for a bunch of sinners who called him names and much worse.
It just so happened that I had a difficult evening at work last Saturday. Difficult in the sense of dealing with some unkind comments. I went to church with my family on Sunday and the title of the sermon was "No paybacks in the Kingdom" based on Matthew 5:38-48. In verse 39 Jesus own words are "Do not resist an evil person; but whoever slaps you on your right cheek, turn the other to him also." In those days it was an insult to slap someone. I've been insulted, I'm just supposed to take it and offer my other cheek. Not only that in verses 43-44 Jesus says, "You have heard that it was said, "You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.' "But I say to you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.." Honestly, I cannot do this on my own. But through Christ I find the ability to love those who I feel at times hate me, for no real reason, except that they see Christ in me. I ask God to go with me each and every time I go to work. He always meets me there. Maybe in someone with a kind word, maybe through my customers who are friendly and tip well, but I always make it through. I'm bringing a light into a place that is dark and for the most part hopeless. Believe me, most of my co-workers will not step foot in a church. I must be the church to them. I'm called to love them and minister to them, not judge them. No Paybacks.