Monday, June 23, 2008

Are you filled up?

I read an illustration the other day in a book called "Tender Mercy for a Mother's Soul". The author, Angela Thomas, describes holding a glass under running water. The water fills the glass completely and keeps running over. We are the glass. Jesus is the water. When he is filling us, the glass is completely full of only him. Not him plus whatever your job, kids, or spouse fills. Just Jesus and nothing else. When we are filled and spilling over, Jesus is spilling over everywhere. Jesus is spilling out of you onto everyone you encounter. Your kids, your spouse, your roommates, your co-workers, your neighbors are all being sprinkled with Jesus.

So I ask you...are you filled up? Are you letting Jesus fill you? Are you seeking him daily? Are you abiding in him? Are you relying on him and not your own strength? Do you believe he can fill you completely? Do others feel his presence when they are around you? Is your first response to others an overflow of Jesus?

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Summer Reading

Summer is a great time to grab a book and read. The days are longer...some of your favorite shows like LOST and Grey's Anatomy won't be back for awhile...

Here are some of my suggestions:

The Mark of the Lion Series by Francine Rivers. Be ready to read all three in a row because you won't be able to put them down.
The Chronicles of Narnia series by CS Lewis. (The Prince Caspian movie just came out...try reading the book first if you haven't already gone...the books are always better)

The Total Money Makeover by Dave Ramsey. Great motivation and a practical plan for getting out of debt, completely. A fresh perspective on credit and borrowing money.

Children's Books:
Bear Feels Sick by Karma Wilson and Jane Chapman (cute story about helping others)
My First Little House Books by Laura Ingalls Wilder (teaches kids what it was like before all our modern conveniences)
How are you Peeling? Foods with Moods by Freymann and Elffers (feelings displayed through vegetables...make some inspiring veggie art after reading this one with your kiddos)
Planting a Rainbow by Lois Ehlert (goes well with planting your garden or flower beds)

The Ministry of Motherhood by Sally Clarkson (a wonderful perspective on following Jesus model of discipleship and applying it to our calling of motherhood)

The Holiness of God by RC Sproul (Increase your view of God and his holiness)
The Cost of Discipleship by Dietrich Bonhoeffer (challenge your view of what being a disciple of Christ requires)

Take some time to read...and please post any suggestions you may have of worthy reading!

Monday, June 2, 2008


The family went to my grandparents last weekend for a "farm visit". They raise pigs, chickens, sheep, and crops. My kids love it and are really smelly by the time we go back home. While we were there we had many talks with my grandparents. In one conversation, my Grandma made a comment about conveniences. She said, "we sure are attached to our conveniences." I was surprised that it came from her. I've always admired my grandmother as someone who was very content with very little. She doesn't have a dishwasher or a computer. She can afford new clothes but still wears the same ones she's worn for as long as I can remember. My cousin and I were discussing awhile back how nice it is to come to their house because nothing changes in a world full of constant change. I can sit in the same rocking chair that Grandma rocked me in when I was born 30 years ago. So it caught me a bit off guard coming from her, but got me thinking about conveniences. What are the conveniences that you just "can't live without"? The first thought that came to my mind was my cell phone. Not necessary, but very convenient. I've been on a quest the last year to simplify life. Conveniences are fact some are blessings...but are any burdens? Do they clutter your life? They sometimes make it possible for us to move faster and get more done, but then do we miss out on enjoying life and can those "conveniences" actually take away from our quality of life? Food for thought.