Thursday, January 24, 2008

From Eva's Kitchen 2

Last night, Tyler (my hubby) left on a little training trip to Lincoln for a few days. Since it was just the kids and I, we did some fun stuff. One of which was making play dough. This is an easy recipe and smells so good because of the kool-aid! My kids love it. Isaac is playing with grape play dough as I write this. Enjoy & happy playing! Don't forget to sit down with the'll enjoy it too!

Home Made Play dough

2 cups flour
2 TBS salt
2 TBS alum
1 pkg Kool-aid (any flavor)
1 cup boiling water
2 TBS vegetable oil

mix dry ingredients in bowl. Microwave water until boiling & add oil. Stir water/oil mixture into dry ingredients. Mix. Dump onto hard surface and kneed until firm.

(one tip is to choose good Alum-like the McCormick brand..for some reason the cheaper brands can make the play dough really sticky)

For those of you who are wondering what else we did for fun...we made strawberry milkshakes, watched an hour long Elmo movie together and then had a "slumber party" on the living room floor with sleeping bags. Tyler looked at me a little funny when I told him Isaac was having a "slumber party". That's what happens when you have to stay home with the girls!

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