Monday, June 23, 2008

Are you filled up?

I read an illustration the other day in a book called "Tender Mercy for a Mother's Soul". The author, Angela Thomas, describes holding a glass under running water. The water fills the glass completely and keeps running over. We are the glass. Jesus is the water. When he is filling us, the glass is completely full of only him. Not him plus whatever your job, kids, or spouse fills. Just Jesus and nothing else. When we are filled and spilling over, Jesus is spilling over everywhere. Jesus is spilling out of you onto everyone you encounter. Your kids, your spouse, your roommates, your co-workers, your neighbors are all being sprinkled with Jesus.

So I ask you...are you filled up? Are you letting Jesus fill you? Are you seeking him daily? Are you abiding in him? Are you relying on him and not your own strength? Do you believe he can fill you completely? Do others feel his presence when they are around you? Is your first response to others an overflow of Jesus?

1 comment:

1000HillsRanch said...

After reading your blogs.... I am so inspired!! I just blog about silly things really... but I love how you discuss spiritual things...and that you keep it real. We love Dave Ramsey as well... and I love Francine Rivers!!! Also... the title of your blog is awesome. Seriously.