Wednesday, March 19, 2008

eating more veggies

Health is a topic that always interests me. As I've researched I've found many differing opinions on diet and what is really best for the human body. One thing I've consistently found is that vegetables are good for you. As the "house chef", I'm always looking for ways to help my family eat nutritiously. A while ago, Sara challenged us to drink a green smoothie every day. I've been a little slow in trying it out, but today I broke out the blender and made "Green smoothies". We dumped in what we had left for produce this week...peaches, bananas, and spinach. I'm sure there are better combinations but it wasn't too bad. My 2 year old son drank his right down. We've made smoothies a lot in the past with fruit and yogurt so to our family a "smoothie" is a treat. We're going to drink a Green Smoothie a day for better health. Feel free to join us!

Monday, March 17, 2008

Recent Movie Rental Review

My husband and I both enjoy a good movie. We watch a wide variety. With two young children, it's an easy and cheap date to pop in a movie after the kids are in bed. I thought I'd share some of my "opinions" on some movies we've seen recently. Keep in mind they are "my opinions" and movie interests may vary from person to person.

3:10 to Yuma (R)
A good ol' cowboy flick. I've always enjoyed a good Russell Crowe flick. It was slow at times but worth renting.

Micheal Clayton (R)
A waste of money. Clooney was good, as always...but not enough to make the movie. I've always liked a good drama thriller, this one just seemed shallow and lacking suspense.

No Reservations (PG)
romantic comedy
Witty and funny. There's nothing in this story that you haven't seen before, yet it's written with charm. Worth renting.

Dan in Real Life (PG-13)
heartwarming, one to pick up when you're having a bad day and you'll soon see that it can't be as bad as "Dan". A feel good movie. Made me laugh. I enjoy Juliette Binoche who also played in the movie Chocolat (PG-13) which is a charming movie if you haven't yet seen it.

Transformers (PG-13)
my husbands pick. I was skeptical at first, but great special effects and some humor along the way.


Thursday, March 13, 2008

Creatively Homemaking

Believe it or not, as a "homemaker", I am often asked what I actually do all day. I'm not really offended by the question. Actually, it is something that I think about often. I think about what I do all day and if it is worthwhile, if it is useful, if it is purposeful. Yes, at times my life can be a bit mundane. Homemaking involves many tasks that, for a social person, can be difficult and it's easy to become lonely.

The decision to stay home is a struggle for me. There have only been a few months since having my children that I have been completely jobless. I've almost always had some sort of side job...doing laundry for a camp, watching other peoples children, teaching preschool, serving at a restaurant, etc. It would be very easy for me to run out and get a part-time job. The income would help our "debt free" goal arrive sooner, the outlet would benefit my social needs, however, I'm trying to embrace this time as growth in contentment. I'm fully convinced that my children will benefit from having their mother around at all times. They find some sort of stability from knowing I'm here. My son keeps asking after a month of me being home..."mommy going to work?" and I always answer with "no, I get to stay home with you and I don't go to work" and the biggest grin comes across his face. I don't feel any guilt. It is hard sometimes. I see people going to their jobs, especially the people that enjoy their jobs and I feel some tinges of jealousy. But, instead of just sitting with that and being in a discontent struggle, I've decided to embrace this season. I'm trying to bring who I am and my creative spirit into my home. I'm researching, reading, and learning ways our home can be God-honoring. I'm not thinking about what we don't have because I stay home or what I'll get to do after this, but I'm thinking about what I can do now. It is freeing to be able to embrace my calling as a wife and mother and be thankful for it.

So to answer the question of what I do all day, I'd have to say that it is pretty complicated. But to sum it up with a theme or motto: I'm accepting where God has me and I'm creatively giving my very best for Him.

I'm trying to mold and teach my children many things. Especially that God loves them and created them especially for Him. I'm trying to love my husband. Yes, he gets a home-cooked meal almost every night. Thankfully, he's never complained about those meals! I'm trying to grow in knowledge and truth, to saturate my mind with God's word and to grow in character and as a person. One thing I'm doing right now is embracing my creative side. I've found that baking is enjoyable to me, and something that benefits others. Today I'm baking Pumpkin Bread. It is a yummy recipe that I think tastes a lot like Starbucks'. I'll post the recipe sometime for all you bakers out there.

I'm planning on posting more in the future about homemaking and mothering since that is the season I'm in right now. I love sharing ideas and learning from others and this blog is a wonderful place for that.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Are you a good wife?

I received this article in a forward from a friend and found it very amusing. I am thankful that my husband doesn't have these "expectations" of me! Enjoy some humor for the day!

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