Monday, March 17, 2008

Recent Movie Rental Review

My husband and I both enjoy a good movie. We watch a wide variety. With two young children, it's an easy and cheap date to pop in a movie after the kids are in bed. I thought I'd share some of my "opinions" on some movies we've seen recently. Keep in mind they are "my opinions" and movie interests may vary from person to person.

3:10 to Yuma (R)
A good ol' cowboy flick. I've always enjoyed a good Russell Crowe flick. It was slow at times but worth renting.

Micheal Clayton (R)
A waste of money. Clooney was good, as always...but not enough to make the movie. I've always liked a good drama thriller, this one just seemed shallow and lacking suspense.

No Reservations (PG)
romantic comedy
Witty and funny. There's nothing in this story that you haven't seen before, yet it's written with charm. Worth renting.

Dan in Real Life (PG-13)
heartwarming, one to pick up when you're having a bad day and you'll soon see that it can't be as bad as "Dan". A feel good movie. Made me laugh. I enjoy Juliette Binoche who also played in the movie Chocolat (PG-13) which is a charming movie if you haven't yet seen it.

Transformers (PG-13)
my husbands pick. I was skeptical at first, but great special effects and some humor along the way.


1 comment:

nate eigsti said...

Kudos to TC's pick...Transformers. By the way, a new AWESOME movie is August Rush. The movie has a great plot, excellent soundtrack...and even makes men cry (don't ask).