Thursday, April 17, 2008


here's a challenge for you...with spring's arrival it seems like the ideal time for a break from all the TV watching, computer surfin, emailing, I-Pod listening, etc. I found a challenge over at Unplug Your Kids that I think our family may try. It starts next week. It's all about turning off all the screens and spending more time together. I only let the kids watch 1/2 hour of TV a day now so I don't think that will be too difficult for them. I think I'm more dependant on this computer than I realize! And...LOST starts next week. We'll have to record it and save it for when the challenge ends...(my husband's gonna love this idea!). It will be a great time to focus more on family and each other.


Anonymous said...

Good luck! Thanks for joining in and I hope you and your family have fun! I look forward to reading how it went for you.

eva said...

So far, this challenge has helped me realize that I often "waste" time on the computer. I try to blame our computer being really old and slow but really it's just me getting caught up researching or reading and time just flies by. It's been nice to just check my email every once in awhile and stay off the box for a few days! My kids and I have done a lot more art projects this week, which they love!